Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog Lucky Number Seven

I would like to use all of the ten steps presented; however, I don't have a portfolio that would be very effective. Also, I really don't think I can provide any services yet, so I won't post anything along those lines.

I like the idea of a tag line and the about me section, I just have a hard time thinking of what I could write about myself that would be kind of interesting.

First, I accidentally looked at the 50 beautiful and creative web portfolios. I loved the site the best! I would love to be able to do something as creative as that; however, I think that this site must have been made using Flash or some other program, because it seems to interactive to just be done through something like Dreamweaver (but I'm not sure because I'm not that great at coding).

Another cool website was It was very creative and interactive. I think that's what I like about both of these two sites because they are so interactive!

Out of the 40+ beautiful portfolio websites I liked the DUCO Architects website, because of the table of pictures presented in it and the quick to use navigation bars. This is a simple but pleasing website. I love pictures so that might be part of the reason I enjoy it the most.