Monday, September 5, 2011

Organization Response

1)      5 of the 15

a.       The first picture I chose was the gray scale picture with the word “MODERN” written on the side of an old building. I picked this one first because our culture is so concentrated in being modern that the term here shows how ironic it is, because what we consider modern today might not be tomorrow

b.      Next, I picked the enormous pile of crushed cars. I wanted this one to come next to show where some of the things we value end up and the surplus of objects we have and ultimately won’t need or want, because American culture is so bent on getting the next best thing. I wanted to show where that “next best thing” might end up when something better, but maybe unnecessary comes along.

c.       1+1=2 is my midway picture, because I wanted to show that if we continue with the ideology of the two previous pictures then we might only end up with two remaining options (which are my final two pictures)

d.      The bar code on the bottom of a person’s foot reminds me of how in a “modern” society everyone is a number, whether it be a social security number or a school ID number that’s how we are distinguished in the massive system. I wanted to use this picture, because I feel like we need to be careful with these ideas, because we might lose the humanity which makes us for a market which we are trained to obey, which leads to my last picture.

e.      I wanted to end with the girl painting a vibrant mural with the concentration of dream. This is my last picture because I want it to leave myself thinking positively, and that things can change. That we are not just part of the modern system and faceless in the masses, but we are individual with unique dreams.

2)      Another argument I could have made was maybe show the progression of life, but perhaps in an almost backwards way. The grave scene à the wedding cake topper à the righteous fist with the dirty American flag background à the cheering crowd à then the chalkboard with elementary math. I think putting them in chronological or backwards order might completely represent two different objectives. Tons of ways in which we could order these pictures and come out with a distinct reason behind each.

3)      Adding other element could make my argument stronger; however, I really think that sometimes simplicity is the best and most effective way to share something. Especially, with impactful photos likes these. I would not add music or text, because I would want viewers to pay attention to the pictures’ details and in the order I deliberately but them in.  I want to make them think about why, and maybe if they don’t come up with the same ideology I did, at least they had to think about it.

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